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Family Resources
Since its beginning, Pegasus Farm has provided a safe and welcoming environment for families who have children with special needs. While children receive services through our equestrian programs, families spend time in small groups with other families who understand what it is like raising a child with special needs. They often share their life experiences as well as information about services they have used and provide encouragement and support for one another. The Farm has strongly encouraged this naturally occurring system of support.
However, we know there is more we can do. In the fall of 2019, families were invited to meet and discuss what their needs were and it was discovered that many families were not aware of many of the services and supports that are available to them and how to access them. They experience stressors and anxieties in raising their children that others often do not understand. They also have a desire to learn more about services/supports and help one another.
In response, Pegasus Farm committed to assist families by creating and maintaining links to useful resources on our website and Resource information for:
NOTE TO READER: If you know of other helpful resources that benefit families caring for children and adults who have special needs, please share their information with us and we will add it to this list. Please contact Shelley Sprang at Shelley@pegasusfarm.org