Planned Giving and Estate Planning
Wills/Estate Plan
Please consider Pegasus Farm when planning your estate and retirement. One of the easiest ways to benefit Pegasus Farm is to make Pegasus Farm a beneficiary of your will or estate plan. Please click here for sample language on leaving Pegasus Farm in your will or estate plan.
Your funds can be place in an endowment fund, giving the Farm a long-term income from interest and/or investment proceeds. The Farm currently maintains such funds with the Stark Community Foundation and Merrill Lynch Investment Management Company.
Financial Planning
If you are interested in designating some of your resources to Pegasus Farm in other ways, please contact your accountant, attorney, or financial planner to discuss the various ways you can structure your assets to benefit a good cause. Please consider Pegasus Farm as you consider your immediate or deferred gifts. Pegasus Farm may be designated as a full or partial beneficiary of your stocks/bonds, IRA, insurance policies, will, pension, or other retirement funds. We will be happy to provide whatever information you require.
For more information or questions about planned giving, please contact Larry Halm at larry@pegasusfarm.org or (330) 935-2300 ext. 101.