Volunteer Requirements

Volunteer Requirements

All the volunteer opportunities listed previously have the following volunteer requirements.

  • We require that all volunteers be at least 12 years old. Volunteers 12 and 13 years of age must have a parent/guardian volunteer alongside them. Once a volunteer is 14 years of age or older, they can volunteer by themselves.

  • Volunteers must have the ability to work independently and follow directions without supervision.

  • All volunteers are required to attend a volunteer orientation class prior to starting.

  • All volunteers who are 18 years of age or older are required to pass a background check prior to starting. All active volunteers get their background checked every 7 years per Pegasus Farm policy.

  • Follow all policies, procedures, and guidelines provided at volunteer orientation class and those taught following volunteer orientation class.

Additional requirements specifically for Equestrian Volunteers:

  • Volunteers who work in classes with students must be at least 14 years old and physically able to walk and occasionally jog for short distances during the 45-60 minute classes.

  • Have the ability to work independently and follow directions without supervision.

  • Volunteers age 12-13 must have a parent or guardian volunteer alongside them and they do not work with students in class; however, they may assist in class with props and games, and lead a horse without a student, as well as typical barn work. 

Volunteer Workgroups

We encourage your company to come out to do a volunteer workgroup. Volunteer workgroups help for a 3-4 hour time period and it can be used as a team building activity. In the past, volunteer workgroups have helped clear out our wooded trails of sticks, help prepare areas in our wellness gardens, mulch, deep clean the barns or store, and tons more! We prefer that you inquire at least one month ahead of time, which helps with scheduling a day and time that suites both of us.

Our volunteer workgroups do not have as many requirements as our long term volunteers. We do not require that our volunteer workgroups go through an orientation class or have background checks. If you would like to have your employees out to do a volunteer workgroup at Pegasus Farm, let us know.  You can also request to have a staff member do an informational speech and tour about Pegasus Farm, how we got started, and what we provide now.

Start on the path to volunteering by downloading and completing our volunteer application or by contacting Leda at (330) 935-2300 ext. 117 or leda@pegausfarm.org.  We look forward to seeing you soon!